Does Charles Nieman have any children? What are the names of Charles Nieman's children? What are the ages of Charles Nieman's children?
Charles Nieman Children: Shannon and Jared Nieman
How old is Charles Nieman? When is Charles Nieman's birthday? Where is Charles Nieman born? Where did Charles Nieman grow up from? What's Charles Nieman's age?
Charles Nieman Born: 1949 (age 74years), El Paso, Texas, United States
Is Charles Nieman married? When did Charles Nieman get married? Who's Charles Nieman's married to? (Who's Charles Nieman's husband / wife)?
Charles Nieman Spouse: Rochelle Nieman (m. 1970)
Charles Nieman Books only: Gods Plan for the Family, Life of Jesus, MORE
Charles Nieman Education: The University of Texas at Austin