How old is Chris Washburn? When is Chris Washburn's birthday? Where is Chris Washburn born? Where did Chris Washburn grow up from? What's Chris Washburn's age?
Chris Washburn Born: 1966 (age 57years), Hickory, NC
How about Chris Washburn's nba_draft?
Chris Washburn Nba_draft: 1986: 1st round, 3rd overall pick
Does Chris Washburn have any children? What are the names of Chris Washburn's children? What are the ages of Chris Washburn's children?
Chris Washburn Children: Julian Washburn, Chris Washburn
How tall is Chris Washburn in meters or centimeters?
Chris Washburn Height: 6 11
How about Chris Washburn's school?
Chris Washburn School: North Carolina State University
How tall was Chris Washburn?
Mullin played 16 seasons in the NBA scoring more than 17,000 points and earning All-NBA honors four times.
How many seasons did Chris Mullin play?
Mullin played 16 seasons in the NBA scoring more than 17,000 points and earning All-NBA honors four times.