How old is Claudine Ppin? When is Claudine Ppin's birthday? Where is Claudine Ppin born? Where did Claudine Ppin grow up from? What's Claudine Ppin's age?
Claudine Ppin Born: United States
How about Claudine Ppin's parents?
Claudine Ppin Parents: Jacques Ppin, Gloria Ppin
Does Claudine Ppin have any children? What are the names of Claudine Ppin's children? What are the ages of Claudine Ppin's children?
Claudine Ppin Children: Shorey Wesen
What did Gloria Ppin pass away from?
At Home with Jacques Ppin digital video seriesI'm Rolly Wesen, and I'm the proud husband of Claudine P pin, and we've been married for 13 years.
Who is Claudine Pepin married to?
At Home with Jacques Ppin digital video seriesI'm Rolly Wesen, and I'm the proud husband of Claudine P pin, and we've been married for 13 years.
What does Claudine Pepin husband do for a living?
She has toured the country, and the world with Oceania Cruises, demonstrating recipes and culinary techniques with her father and her chef husband, Rollie Wesen.
How many children does Claudine Pepin have?
She has been married to Rolland "Rolley" Bailey Wesen since March 23, 2003. They have one child.