How old is Dave Dravecky? When is Dave Dravecky's birthday? Where is Dave Dravecky born? Where did Dave Dravecky grow up from? What's Dave Dravecky's age?
Dave Dravecky Born: 1956 (age 67years), Youngstown, OH
Is Dave Dravecky married? When did Dave Dravecky get married? Who's Dave Dravecky's married to? (Who's Dave Dravecky's husband / wife)?
Dave Dravecky Spouse: Janice Roh (m. 1978)
Dave Dravecky Winloss_record: 6457
Dave Dravecky Earn_run_averag: 3.13
The form of cancer that struck Dravecky in the biceps of his pitching arm was a malignancy known as a \u201cdesmoid tumor\u201d or \u201caggressive fibromatosis.\u201d
The form of cancer that struck Dravecky in the biceps of his pitching arm was a malignancy known as a \u201cdesmoid tumor\u201d or \u201caggressive fibromatosis.\u201d