The true crime series that retells Gypsy Rose Blachard’s story has come to an end. The final episode of The Act hit Hulu on Wednesday, May 1, wrapping up the disturbing eight-part series about the 2015 death of Dee Dee Blanchard. In real life, the story continues.
“A year into her incarceration, Gypsy pled guilty to second-degree murder,” according to text that appeared onscreen at the end of the finale. “She is currently serving 10 years. When she gets out, she is planning to start a family of her own.”
Gypsy Rose, who organized the murder of her mother, accepted a plea deal in July 2015, leading to a 10-year prison sentence she is serving at the Chillicothe Correctional Center in Missouri. She will be eligible for parole in 2023, when she will be 32.

Nicolas Godejohn, Gypsy’s former boyfriend, was convicted of first-degree murder and is currently serving a life sentence without parole. Gypsy and her boyfriend plotted the killing together, with him doing the actual stabbing.
Throughout her life, Dee Dee claimed her daughter suffered from muscular dystrophy, asthma, sleep apnea and leukemia; she said she needed a wheelchair and fed her through a tube.

Posthumously, Dee Dee was diagnosed with Munchausen by proxy, a syndrome in which you make up other’s disorders in order to benefit yourself.
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In April 2019, Gypsy became engaged to a man she met in prison; he first wrote her letters and later came to visit her.
The Act is available to stream on Hulu.