How old is Justin Norris? When is Justin Norris's birthday? Where is Justin Norris born? Where did Justin Norris grow up from? What's Justin Norris's age?
Justin Norris Born: June 3, 1980 (age 43years), Mandurah, Australia
Is Justin Norris married? When did Justin Norris get married? Who's Justin Norris's married to? (Who's Justin Norris's husband / wife)?
Justin Norris Spouse: Brooke Norris
How about Justin Norris's nation_team?
Justin Norris Nation_team: Australia
Does Justin Norris have any children? What are the names of Justin Norris's children? What are the ages of Justin Norris's children?
Justin Norris Children: Sabre Norris, Sockie Norris, Naz Norris
How about Justin Norris's education?
Justin Norris Education: Merewether High School
How tall is Justin Norris in meters or centimeters?
Justin Norris Height: 1.85m
How about Justin Norris's olympic medal?
Justin Norris Olympic medal: Swimming at the 2000 Summer Olympics Men's 200 metre butterfly
What does Justin Norris do for a living?
Six! The eldest child is called Sabre, who was born in 2005. There's also Sockie, Biggy, Naz and Disco! The youngest is Charm, who was born in 2019.
What is Justin Norris real name?
Six! The eldest child is called Sabre, who was born in 2005. There's also Sockie, Biggy, Naz and Disco! The youngest is Charm, who was born in 2019.
Did Justin Norris go to Olympics?
Six! The eldest child is called Sabre, who was born in 2005. There's also Sockie, Biggy, Naz and Disco! The youngest is Charm, who was born in 2019.
What are the Norris children's real names?
Six! The eldest child is called Sabre, who was born in 2005. There's also Sockie, Biggy, Naz and Disco! The youngest is Charm, who was born in 2019.