The city of Rock Island is preparing for the rising Mississippi River, by implementing the flood strategy plan as the river rises which includes installing pumps and closing gatewells.
Water pump discharge hoses are being placed across the Rock Island portion of the bike path, according to a city release Friday. The hose locations will be marked. Please use caution when crossing over the hoses. Portions of the bike path will be closed due to the high water and will remain closed until the river level falls below 16 feet.
The temporary flood panels are being installed at Schwiebert Riverfront Park. The Sunset Marina fuel dock will close and pump out service will be discontinued by the end of the week. The lower road will be closed to vehicle traffic and temporary walkways for pedestrian access to the docks will be installed.
Sunset Drive from 31st Avenue to the Park Shelter and Skafidas Parkway will be closed Friday, April 21st . Rock Island follows the National Incident Management System procedures whenever faced with major weather challenges.
The city’s Incident Command Team meets weekly and responds as needed to flooding.