Skating with Celebrities winners expecting child together

July 2024 · 1 minute read

Skating With Celebrities winning couple Kristy Swanson, 36, and Lloyd Eisler, 43, are expecting their first child together on Valentine’s Day. Lloyd already has two sons with his estranged wife – Ethan Harley, 2, and Seth Keenan, 7 months. The couple met last summer and officially began dating when Lloyd separated from his wife Marcia on November 30th while she was 8 months pregnant.

The couple had been denying pregnancy rumors recently, although they were in fact expecting. In a statement, Kristy said, "We wanted to wait until I completed the first trimester to officially announce our pregnancy. Lloyd and I are thrilled and wanted to share the wonderful news."

Source: Yahoo and People – photo for use on CBB courtesy People Magazine.

Thanks to CBB reader Julie.
