With extensive experience in the world of technology and telecommunications, Vicent Molina established T7 Group almost 20 years ago.
The Mexican entrepreneur and founder of the company was used to facing great challenges and he has always had his targets set on creating a company that strives for innovative development through the implementation of automated and artificial intelligence services that help to achieve a successful operation.
One of its main goals is to avoid "downtimes" or system crashes within companies that create frustration for employees and more importantly the customers. These moments can also be extremely costly to companies that rely more and more on technology in daily operations.
T7 Group solutions to this is system and algorithms created to predict the future.
However, this is not magic; It's about science, intelligent algorithms and advanced mathematics, to make a non-human application capable of making decisions based on previous fields of experience.
This automated work and artificial intelligence greatly reduces the chances of system failures within a company that uses the systems and that results in less time trying to solve problems that need to be fixed.
As digitalization has reached every aspect of life from putting money into your bank account to getting a prescription from your doctor, T7 Group sees solutions for these customers at the forefront of their work as reliability in digital services is often seen as the biggest selling point for customers.
The impact of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed how much we depend on technology, which is present in almost every facet of our economy. We have witnessed how technology was applied to keep many businesses and companies alive, to revolutionize the usual social interactions and to fight the effects of the pandemic.
With this need for technology to facilitate work in all sectors, the growth that T7 Group experienced in 2021 was around 37% and it is expected that by 2022 it will be 47%.
Through these uncertain years for the global economy, T7 Group cemented its reputation in developing technologies that are vital in allowing large companies in many sectors to remain in operation.

Plans and projections towards the future
Globally, IT budgets are expected to increase as the world continues to adapt to the changes COVID-19 have created in the working sphere and spending on IT is expected to reach 4.5 billion USD in 2022.
This opens a huge market of possibilities for the T7 Group, who are aiming toward future success by exploring the best investment and expansion possibilities to increase the size of the group whilst remaining as an industry leader in the region.
T7 Group is an organization prepared for this growth as they have constructed an experienced team fully capable of facing challenges and developing solutions to the needs of its corporate customers.
The accelerated sector of technology throughout the world moves at a lightning speed and T7 Group has been a company that has established itself within the industry, with offices in Mexico City and Houston, Texas for 7 years.
Why Mexico is the key country in the continent
Mexico has a key role to play in the economies of North, South and Central America. With multiple trade agreements and its geographical location, the country is positioned perfectly to bridge the markets of the United States and Canada with Latin America.
T7 Group is strongly connected to Mexico with its founder and CEO forming the company in the country.
The appreciation and love for Mexico is clearly seen throughout the company.
A philanthropic project was started by T7 Group called TlenPixki, which means "one who is the guardian" in Nahuatl. This project is aimed at showcasing Mexican culture, history and gastronomy in effort to keep these important traditions alive.
The T7 Group team
A highly technical company relies on a high level of talent to stay ahead of the curve of the industry. T7 Group looks towards Mexican talent to achieve their goals. The Group wants to put their employees at the center of their success and to be ready for every change in the evolution of technology and the social habits in the world.
The good results of T7 Group are not the product of chance but of the solid scientific and emotional work of each collaborator.
The success of T7 Group
In 20 years, T7 Group is an organization that has created a wide portfolio of technology clients and is accustomed to establishing commercial and service relationships with large companies around the world.
The forward-thinking and success of the automated, problem-solving approach to telecommunications was shown to be vital for companies during the pandemic and beyond this ethos has allowed T7 Group to remain as an industry leader.