The 16th Amazing Race is complete.
The three remaining teams start even and take the same flight out of China. When they land in San Francisco, they race in taxicabs to Battery Godfrey, a bluff in the Presidio overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge. Almost immediately, Brent and Caite take themselves out of contention, as a lost cab driver and poor communication pushes them permanently into third place.
This leaves the two sibling teams: The teams must figure out that the 210 ft. tall building covered in murals is the Coit Tower. After one team member climbs to the top, they are directed to the Yoda Fountain, located at George Lucas‘s Industrial Light and Magic. There, the race jumps into the virtual world. Teammates must work together to navigate a virtual maze.
Throughout most of this leg, Dan and Jordan race ahead with Jet and Cord right behind them. The key moment – what I call the “winning moment” – occurs at Industrial Light and Magic. Both teams make it through the virtual maze, but get stuck at the clue which is spinning so fast that there is no way to read it. Dan quickly figures out, though, that you can slow the clue down by spinning around with the clue.
Jet and Cord wait for their turn as they watch Jordan spin around. Once they get their chance, they get stuck. Cord cannot figure out how to slow down the clue. I can hear the millions of cowboy fans screaming at their television sets as Jet an Cord inexplicably forget that Jordan spun around in order to finish the task! When they finally solve it, all Cord can say to himself is ‘hey stupid.’
By then, the race is effectively over.
The teams have to complete the final “memory task,” but neither team has much difficulty remembering the order in which the other teams were eliminated during the race. And both teams easily solve the final riddle directing them to the finish mat at Candlestick Park. Dan and Jordan run in to claim the championship. Jet and Cord follow second, and Brent and Caite are so far behind in third that we never even see them complete the memory task.
So what pushes Dan and Jordan to first place? The one winning moment at Industrial Light and Magic was clearly decisive, but I think Dan and Jordan were more prepared from the very start of the leg. You could see they were ready to race hard and dirty if necessary. They cut in place at the airport; they bribed flight attendants to get into first class; they did not let up. Jet and Cord played too nice, perhaps. In the virtual world, for example, Jet waited patiently as Jordan spun around. If it had been the other way around, I have no doubt Jordan would have stepped right into Jet’s space and pushed him away.
Ultimately, I would have been happy if any of the three final teams won, but there’s something appropriate about Dan and Jordan winning. They were the team who taught us the “backpack rule” (i.e., you can cut in line if you use your backpack) and the “bicycle rule” (i.e., “ who ride are smart”). Joking aside, Jordan clearly loved the Amazing Race more than anyone else this season. As a true fan, I have no doubt Jordan would have cherished the victory even without the million dollars.
Congratulations to everyone who raced, and I can’t wait for the next one! — Victor Jih
Tell us: What did you think of this season of The Amazing Race? What do you think pushed Dan and Jordan ahead of Jet and Cord? Why do you think sibling teams keep doing so well on the race?
Charles Eshelman/FilmMagic